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CONDA awards

Recipients of the

City of newcastle dramatic Association Awards 

2019: Excellence by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Musical (Beauty & the Beast) - Tyran Stig  

2018: Excellence in Lighting Design (We Will Rock You) - Jacob Harwood

2018: Excellence in Hair & Wigs Design (We Will Rock You) - George Francis 

2017: Musical Director (Les Miserables) - Greg Paterson 

2016: Best Director (Wicked) - Julie Black 

2016: Best Musical - Wicked 

2016: Excellence by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical (Wicked) - Tayla Choice 

2016: Excellence in Costume Design (Wicked) - Bev Fewins & Steven Harrison 

2016: Excellence in Hair & Wigs Design (Wicked) - George Francis 

2015: Best Director (Mary Poppins) - Julie Black 

2015: Best Musical - Mary Poppins 

2015: Excellence by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical (Mary Poppins) - Daniel Stoddart

2015: Excellence by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Musical (Mary Poppins) - Rachelle Schmidt Adnum   

2015: Excellence in Hair & Wigs Design (Mary Poppins) - George Francis & Val Drury 

2014: Best Director (Hairspray) - Julie Black 

2014: Best Musical - Hairspray 

2014: Musical Director (Hairspray) - Chris Vidler

2014: Excellence by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical (Hairspray) - Kiani Sansom 

2014: Excellence by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical (Hairspray) - Malcom Young

2014: Excellence by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Musical (Hairspray) - Annie Devine   

2013: Best Director (Phantom of the Opera) - Julie Black 

2013: Best Musical - Phantom of the Opera 

2013: Musical Director (Phantom of the Opera) - Greg Paterson 

2013: Excellence by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical (Phantom of the Opera) - Daniel Stoddart

2013: Excellence in Lighting Design (Phantom of the Opera) - Jacob Harwood

2016: Excellence in Costume Design ((Phantom of the Opera) - Bev Fewins & Steven Harrison 

2016: Excellence in Hair & Wigs Design (Phantom of the Opera) - George Francis & Val Drury 

2012: Best Musical - Oliver!

2012: Musical Director (Oliver) - Chris Vidler

2012: Excellence by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical (Oliver!) - Chris Maxfield

2013: Best Director (Phantom of the Opera) - Julie Black 

2010: Best Musical - The Boy From Oz

2010: Excellence by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical (The Boy From Oz) - Grant Drury-Green

2010: Excellence in Lighting Design (The Boy From Oz) - Scott Allen 

2008: Best Musical - The Producers 

2008: Best Ensemble  - The Producers 

2008: Best Director (The Producers) - Julie Black 

2008: Excellence by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical (The Producers) - Khalil Khay

2008: Excellence by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Musical (The Producers) - Michael Single 

2008: Excellence in Costume Design (The Producers) - Steven Harrison 

2007: Musical Director (Shout) - Greg Paterson 

2006: Best Director (The King and I) - Julie Black 

2006: Excellence by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical (The King and I) - Michelle Burnitt

2006: Excellence in Costume Design (The King and I) - Steven Harrison 

2006: Excellence in Set Design (The King and I) - Graeme Black, Phil Everson, Alex Adams

2002: Excellence by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical (The Sound of Music) - Melinda Smith

2001: Excellence by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical (The Wiz) - Daniel Cavanagh

2001: Excellence in Costume Design (The Wiz) - Steven Harrison 

2001: Excellence in Makeup Design (The Wiz) - Belinda Roals 

2000: Best Musical - Joseph & the Technicolored Dreamcoat 

2000: Excellence by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical (Joseph & the Technicolored Dreamcoat) - Melinda Smith & Kerryn Taylor

2000: Excellence in Costume Design (Joseph & the Technicolored Dreamcoat) - Steven Harrison 

1999: Best Musical - Crazy For You 

1998: Excellence by a Choreographer (A Chorus Line) - Darren Disney 

1997: Excellence by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical (High Society) - Tracy Cowan

1997: Excellence by a Choreographer (42nd Street) - Kristy Mansfield

1993: Excellence in Costume Design (Follies) - Steven Harrison 

1986: Excellence by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical (Gypsy) - Tracy Cowan

1985: Excellence by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical (Sweet Charity) - Amanda Helmers


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